Estos chavales del Eurail me ponen una bonita lista en la contraparte de mi boleto con las cosas que debo darme tiempo de hacer, o esperar que me sucedan acá...
- Drink wine.
- Take soccer too seriously.
- Split your lederhosen.
- Lasso a unicorn.
- Stay awake in the sleeping car.
- Earn a degree in ale.
- Join a polka band.
- Whittle something.
- Buy touristy things.
- Milk a cow.
- Read the inside of a ticket holder.
- Use "apres ski" in a sentence.
- Get chased out of town on a goat.
- Get lost.
- Chum for mermaids in the Baltic.
- Fall in love.
- Make gargoyle faces.
- Yodel your lunch order.
- Wear a Speedo.
- Start a scepter collection.
- Miss your stop on purpose.
- Teach a bull some manners.
- Juggle leprechauns.
- Sing up for jester try-outs.
- Break dance to flamenco.
- Solve a mystery.
- Give every fellow passenger a nickname.
- Sniff out a truffle.
- Pedal backwards to market.
- Sound French.
- Sleep in a Castle.
- Visit a town you've never heard of.
- Stomp grapes.
- Pretend to understand a language.
- Climb an ancient stairway.
- Wake up not knowing what country you're in.
- Paint in a meadow.
- Stand in awe.
- Follow a trail of breadcrumbs.
- Read by candlelight.
- Wink at the conductor.
- Stop and smell the tulips.
- Eat too much fondue.
- Build a galleon.
- Have a pleasent thought.
- Skinny dip in a fjord.
- Discover an artifact.
- Invent blisterless wooden clogs.
- Watch the sunset at 150 miles per hour.
- Sleep under a tree.
No puedo decir que he arrasado con todo ni mucho menos, quedan algunas varias cosas pendientes, pero no me quejo en lo absoluto, vaya que voy bien, voy bastante bien...
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